COVID 19 update Video, telephone and face to face consultations available Read more
    • MAY 11, 2020
    • 13


    What is coronavirus (COVID 19)? Coronaviruses are a family of viruses which can lead to people developing common colds and other upper respiratory tract infections when infected. COVID 19 is a kind…

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    • MAY 1, 2020
    • 2

    CPAP use during COVID 19 pandemic

    Overview: The COVID19 virus is mainly spread from the aerolisation of respiratory droplets from patients that are infected, therefore it is a highly contagious virus. It is a difficult time and many…

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    • APRIL 9, 2020
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    COVID 19 FAQs

    1. I need to see a specialist,  but am concerned about coming into contact with other patients. What can I do if I do not want to attend the practice in person? Redlands specialist Centre is offering…

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    • SEPTEMBER 25, 2019
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    Do You Think You Need a Sleep Specialist? 

    Do You Think You Need a Sleep Specialist? 

    Everybody suffers from poor sleep quality every now and then. You know you have a sleep issue when this causes increased lethargy during the day, and impacts on your daytime function. Up all night,…

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    • MARCH 12, 2019
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    Welcome Dr Yu-Chin Lo (Endocrinologist)

    Dr Yu-Chin Lo completed her medical degree at the University of Queensland. She undertook basic physician training at the Princess Alexandra hospital and completed specialist training in endocrinology…

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