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Support & Resource Centre for Referrers

This page is designed to provide a quick support centre for referring Doctors and Practice staff. This page is still being developed, so more content will be added as soon as it is created. If you have any urgent medical matters, please call us directly on 07 3193 5400

Specialists Information

Information about Redlands Specialists

This section has the profiles on the Specialists including information about sub-specialty interests, experience and additional relevant information. To submit an enquiry on any of the specialists, please do not hesitate to use the contact form on this page or call us directly on 07 3193 5400

Training /Education for GP’s & Registrars

To support local practice GP’s and Registrars, Redlands Specialists are keen to make themselves available for individualised and small group learning sessions.

For registrars, we will organise tailored sessions at Redlands Specialist Centre. For whole of practice sessions eg over lunch updates our specialists come to you.

Use this form to book in a session for your practice as a whole or for your registrars. It is a great opportunity to help your registrars get up and running across multiple specialties quickly.

Appointment Availability

This links to latest information on appointment availability. Holidays and holiday lead-up can impact availability – so this is a guide only.

For urgent medical matters requiring an immediate/semi-immediate appointment please call directly on 07 3193 5400

Pricing & OOP Cost Guide

General Pricing Information

This links to information about pricing. It is a general guide to some commonly requested procedures and consultations. Please advise patients that the information quoted is net out of pocket costs – after all available rebates from medicare have been claimed.

If you have any pricing questions, please call us directly on 07 3193 5400.

NOTE: @Nov2020 – Presentation of information is being created. Please call in the meantime for quotes/enquiries

PDF/Electronic Referral Form Downloads

Submit Referrer-Specific Request

Please use this for specific support requests. For urgent medical matters please call directly on 07 3193 5400