COVID 19 update Video, telephone and face to face consultations available Read more

    What is coronavirus (COVID 19)? Coronaviruses are a family of viruses which can lead to people developing common colds and other upper respiratory tract infections when infected. COVID 19 is a kind of coronavirus which is causing people to develop much more severe illnesses than other coronaviruses. What are the symptoms of COVID19? The most

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  • CPAP use during COVID 19 pandemic

    Overview: The COVID19 virus is mainly spread from the aerolisation of respiratory droplets from patients that are infected, therefore it is a highly contagious virus. It is a difficult time and many long term and short term CPAP users may have questions regarding the device use and the current state of the pandemic. We have

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  • COVID 19 FAQs

    1. I need to see a specialist,  but am concerned about coming into contact with other patients. What can I do if I do not want to attend the practice in person? Redlands specialist Centre is offering telehealth/phone consultations where feasible. Please call us for the cost of this. 2. Can I still attend for

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  • Do You Think You Need a Sleep Specialist? 

    Do You Think You Need a Sleep Specialist? 

    Everybody suffers from poor sleep quality every now and then. You know you have a sleep issue when this causes increased lethargy during the day, and impacts on your daytime function. Up all night, counting sheep?  A shocking revelation that a third of adults sleep less than 6 hours per night consistently. Although the amount

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  • Welcome Dr Yu-Chin Lo (Endocrinologist)

    Dr Yu-Chin Lo completed her medical degree at the University of Queensland. She undertook basic physician training at the Princess Alexandra hospital and completed specialist training in endocrinology at Cairns Hospital and Princess Alexandra Hospital. Dr Yu-Chin Lo has a keen interest in teaching of medical students and junior doctors, having held an academic role with

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